We are so glad to have you as a part of our OtherFoods family. We look forward to working with you and helping your business grow.
We are always trying to improve our services. Please let me know any thoughts in regard to issues you are having with our facility or your business. If we don’t know the problem, we can’t find the solution.
This is a shared kitchen. All the rules in the world won’t help if we don’t work with each other and try to help each other.
Please have everyone on your team read this handbook.
Steve Cantor
Food Safety – Follow Food Safety procedures. Please take a ServSafe course (or equivalent) every year. It’s fun. It’s real important.
Careful – Commercial Kitchens are dangerous. There’s fire, knives, stuff that’s hot as hell, slippery ass floors and people in a hurry with their hands full. Please be careful !
Clock In/Out – You must Clock In when you arrive and Clock out when you leave. You can do this at any computer in the kitchen or with your own device at Otherfoodskitchen.com/members
Clean Up – Wash all you pots, pans and utensils then dry them then put them back in their appropriate location. Clean the equipment you use and wipe down the prep tables and sweep the area you used. If you had a spill, please mop it up. Do not pour grease into the sink. There is a grease receptacle on the back parking area. Take out the trash bag you used and put a new trash bag in the can. The trash bin is behind the building. Do not put so much trash in a bag that it’s difficult to lift. Some stuff is heavy. It’s just unfair to everyone else if you don’t clean up. Put used towels in a towel bag and if the bag is full take it to the big plastic bin on the ramp dock next to the back door. Just dump the towels in the bin and take the bag back to the towel rack. Always best to leave things better than you found them.
Parking – park in the parking places out front. Do not block the driveway! BlueSky has trucks driving through all the time and we can not block them. Please do not park on the grass. In the back, you can park either in front of the big roll up doors or park on the upper ramp dock. Do not park on the ramp itself. Do not park anywhere else in the back parking lot.
Scheduling – We greatly prefer your group to stick to a regular weekly schedule but we do understand that it is not always possible to do. If you do need other times in the kitchen, you must text us and let us know what you need to confirm that it’s OK.
Sharing – Most everything in our kitchen is shareable. You can use it. There are a exceptions like ingredients and mixers that are covered in plastic. Do not remove any equipment, utensils or wares from the kitchen. Do not “borrow” anything from other members without their permission. Please ask first. And as far as stealing stuff goes, we have no tolerance. The bottom line is that anyone who steals is stealing from the whole group. If you see someone take something that does not belong to them, please let me know.
Food Liability Insurance – Maintain Food Liability insurance with your insurance provider. FLIP insurance is an option.
Walk In Cooler – Only use your designated shelves. Be sure nothing drips from your shelf to the shelf below. Maybe use a sheet pan or plastic tub. You may roll a cart or speed rack in the cooler while you are working but remove it when you are done working that day. If you need to leave anything in the cooler beyond your schedule, please coordinate that we us. Nothing should be stored on the floor. Do not put crazy hot food in the walk in. Let it cool some at room temperature first and then place it in the walk in.
Equipment – Clean after use. If something breaks while you are using it, please let us know. We are not going to blame you for breaking it but it needs to be repaired. Things break. It’s ok. Please let us know.
Fryers – Remove your oil and either dispose of it in the grease recycle bin on the outside dock or place it in a container for later usage. If you store used oil, please use a grease bucket and label it and store it in the appropriate area. Clean the fryer after every use. Use Boil Out.
Storage – Everything in the kitchen must be stored in it’s proper location. Shared wares, appliances and utensils have a designated area. If it’s yours then you must keep it on a dry storage shelf, a cooler/freezer shelf or a pallet. Nothing can be placed on the floor. Do not place anything on the floor in the kitchen, dry storage, walk-in and or dock. Nothing on the floor! Your items must be organized and clean. Clutter attracts and harbors vermin ( Creepy crawly creatures ). We don’t want them at our kitchen.
Food Storage – Every food item in a cooler, freezer or dry storage must be in a container or wrapped in plastic and labeled with a use by date. Any food in the wrong place or unwrapped or unlabeled may be tossed out.
Food Sink – The double sink in the main kitchen is not for washing dishes. It is only to be used to rinse food.
Something in the wrong place – We know sometimes people run out of time. We know some people just don’t do what they should. We hope they will do better. If you notice something in the wrong spot, like a pot left on the drying rack, please take a minute and put it back in it’s appropriate spot. We don’t need to make a spectacle of people’s mistakes. It makes a bad situation even worse by being ugly. Be positive and helpful. If you find yourself doing a bit more that your fair share, please say something to me. If you must move something out of your way then place it on the dock on a cart.
Proprietary Property – You will see your peers do their work. If it gives you an idea, that’s great but don’t take their hard earned knowledge without their permission. If it’s the way they boil their water then it’s fine but if it’s the recipe they use that their grandmother passed onto them or they figured out through extensive trial and error then it’s not OK. Ask them. Maybe they are cool with you using Mamoo’s recipe but maybe not. Proprietary property is just as valuable as other property. Don’t steal it. It’s not legal and more importantly, it ain’t right. Please respect other member’s property!
Vent Hood – Always turn on when using anything under the vent hood. Turn off when no one is using it. Using panel on right side, turn on by clicking on the bottom right button and turn off with same button. The stove top burners pilot lights always stay on. If a pilot light is out (or you blow it out to clean) please relight it.
Doors – Please do not prop open the front or back door by jamming something in the hinge. This breaks a very expensive door and it allows creepy crawly creatures to enter our building. If the last person to leave, please be sure the doors are locked.
Pickup – During your scheduled time at the kitchen, customers or delivery groups can pickup your products. Please respect the parking (see above). If you would like to coordinate pickup when you are not at the kitchen, please let me know.
WIFI – Heistan -The name is CBCI-D3AC and the password is ahead2574follow. The printer will be available once you connect to the WIFI. Watkins – CBCI-73B0 and the password is earth3065common
Music – It’s great to have some tunes playing in the kitchen but please not so loud that you can’t hear a oven timer going off. Be respectful to others. Surely every song does not need to have the word fuck in it or whatever cuss word is trendy. And if you think it might be offensive then it probably is.
Visitors – We love for people to see our place but keep it short and sweet. We can not allow anyone other than members to be on site. Even pickup and delivery should be kept to as short of stay as possible. And we love kids but please make other arrangements for them and only bring a child if it’s absolutely necessary. Really, really absolutely necessary.
Video Cameras – Yes, of course we use video. This is not to spy on you but please keep your clothes on and it’s ok to dance as long as it doesn’t trip anyone else up. We have video for our insurance and to monitor activities so we know when things get too busy and we figure out crazy shit and ways to make things better.
Pricing – All prices are monthly
2 People working in the kitchen – $20 per hour. Each addition person is $5 per hour
Dry Storage – $75 per shelf
Cooler/Freezer (single shelf) – $75 per shelf
Walk In Cooler (single shelf) – $100 per shelf
Dock Storage – $75 per pallet
Commissary Agreement Only – $150 per month
Invoices go out on the first of the month and they are due ASAP. You know like within a 5 days!
Please Follow this handbook: Any violation of this handbook may result in an additional charge to your membership fee. We don’t want you to have to pay this. We simply want you to follow this handbook. It ain’t that hard.
Need More – scheduled time or fridge/freezer/dry storage or dock space? Need some kind of equipment? Packaging? Have questions or thoughts… Let us know.
More Info – otherfoodskitchen.com , otherfoodskitchen.com/members
Let us know – Please let us know anything that is broken or needs attention. We monitor temperature in our coolers and freezers but PLEASE let us know if you notice any issues. Let us know any supplies that are low or if you think of something you need. Maybe something about this handbook. Anything!
New Services – We are making progress on some additional services and could sure use your help. Marketing for all members. Grab and Go. Podcasts. How To Videos. E-Commerce for all. Holiday Guide. Board in lobby with all member info. Batch production tracking system (AG requirements, COGS, Inventory).
Emergency – Police, Fire, Ambulance – 911
Steve Cantor 901.277.6095 or steve@otherfoodskitchen.com